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How to Know if You'll Like a Book

Example 1

This is, at least, an attempt at an awesome moment. Setting: A strange house has suddenly appeared in the middle of their little town, and three men are looking at it from the nearby bushes and trying to decide what to do.

Notice the setup, how the Awesome Moment line is short, and it's isolated.

"Surely that house is empty."

Then all three of them had the same awful thought -- what if it wasn't empty?

"It could contain terrorists."

"Or murderers."

"Or lions. I hate lions, they can just bite you in half."

"I don't think lions can do that."

"Well, they can kill you."

"That they can do."

"A small army could be in that house."

"Very small. Twenty soldiers at most."

"Well how big is our army?"

"We don't have an army."

"Then twenty soldiers isn't very small, is it?"

The door started to move. They each took a step back into the ferns, each imagining their worst nightmare. They saw a hand . . . they held their breath . . .

and out walked a girl.

Isolation? There is a break after this line and then a shift in perspective.

Example 1

How to Write